PVR STUDY is the best exam preparation app for Various Competitive exams. Also we have courses on Zero Level
& basic mathematics for Beginners.
Why choose PVR STUDY
✅Free Live classes,
✅Practice Quizzes,
✅Free Online Live Tests,
✅All Govt Exams are covered,
✅Zero Level Mathematics for Beginners
Exams Covered in PVR STUDY App
* Quantitative Aptitude
* Reasoning
* English
* General Knowledge (GK)
* Current Affaires
Salient Features of PVR STUDY App
★ Primary focus on Hindi medium students.
★ Offline Mode: Once you download the content, you can access it even without internet.
★ Detailed Explanation: Learn from your mistakes with explanations for every question.
★ All topics are covered.
★ Ease of use: PVR STUDY app is easy to use. You can bookmark questions, track your score and improve in exams.
Its the time to make yours Dreams come True. What are you waiting for, download PVR STUDY App now.
Please feel free to give your feedback on the App. We will try our best to make it better and more useful to you as per your feedback. For 24*7 Support call us at our support numbers.